Blog posts

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It's OK to build servers

Feel free to leave the conversation

Upgrade PHP 8.0 to 8.2 on FreeBSD

Connect Visual Studio Code to FreeBSD remote servers

Create a FreeBSD web server (FAMP stack)

Improve self-help books using the BLUF format


Control your information intake

Cloud storage for the paranoid

Mac software alternatives


Ditched my phablet

Benefits of a 13-inch laptop

Switching to Mac OS

How to import an OpenVPN profile on iOS (without iTunes)

Differences between FreeBSD and Debian, two weeks in

Don't use version names, use numbers


Migrating Debian Buster from iptables to nftables

Using Apache RewriteMap to handle redirects for WordPress multisite

Solving the mystery of Xigmanas Samba file permissions on ZFS

Batch processing video files with Avidemux


Disable Apache 2.4 directory listings

Fixing slow FTP download speeds

Comparing the compiling times of a large application between a 4-core Core i5-4670 and a 32-core dual socket Xeon E5-2670

Apache performance benchmarks

Crappy DisplayPort cables wasted six months of my life


Replacing the blue LEDs on a Das Keyboard 4 Professional with red LEDs


Installing Salt on Debian servers

Deploying WordPress content changes using WP CLI

Scarlett 2i2 USB DAC and Debian 8


How to upgrade your web server from Debian 7 Wheezy to Debian 8 Jessie

How to automate moving WordPress custom field values into taxonomy selections

How to migrate a standalone WordPress site into a multisite network

Improve your online privacy by automatically deleting cookies


Minecraft soundtrack
